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Dressing wisely: the 4 Toltec agreements and ethical fashion

You have probably already come across this book, whether on public transport or while browsing in a bookstore: The Four Agreements Toltecs: The Law of Personal Freedom . A true bestseller that, year after year, remains a must-have in your personal library. This book can inspire us beyond inner wisdom… even in the way we dress!

What are the Toltec Agreements?

The Four Agreements is a book of about a hundred pages that was published in 1997 in the United States by the Mexican author Miguel Ruiz. In it, he shares the supposed rules of life based on the Toltec culture, from which he comes.

The book has sold approximately 9 million copies worldwide, including 8.5 million in the United States, and has been translated into 46 languages. Maud Séjournant, a psychotherapist and writer, translated and adapted the book for the French-speaking public, contributing to its immense success in France.

What are we talking about?

In this book, "Miguel Ruiz suggests making four agreements with yourself aimed at breaking our limiting beliefs," says Maud Séjournant. "Those that we develop since childhood, which distort reality and keep us in suffering."

Due to cultural and educational conditioning (on what is considered right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly) as well as personal projections (“I must be nice”, “I must succeed”…), we have adopted a wrong vision of ourselves and the world.

 These ideas therefore take up the beliefs and norms imposed by society and family, which shape our perception of reality and lock us into limiting thought patterns. The Four Toltec Agreements thus offer a way to free oneself from these conditionings in order to live in a more authentic and serene way.

He notably influenced the novelist Bernard Werber as well as many French therapists.

Olivier Perrot, clinical psychologist and president of the French Association of New Hypnosis (AFNH), says: "When I read this book, I had the impression that the author was expressing observations drawn from my own experience."

History and origin: who were the Toltecs?

For the record, the Toltecs are a people of mysterious warriors who appeared in Mesoamerica around 800 AD. They founded their capital in Tula around the year 1000. In two centuries, they built a powerful empire in central Mexico. Later, it was the Aztecs, fascinated by Toltec culture, who integrated some of their knowledge and traditions into their own civilization in the 14th century.

The Toltecs were known as men and women of wisdom. Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican shaman and descendant of the Toltecs, was born in 1952 in Mexico. He had a near-death experience that changed his life. Upon his return, he chose to pass on to the world the wisdom and teachings of a long line of healers called the Nagual, true "Masters" in the Toltec tradition.

What are the Toltec agreements?

In reality, there are five agreements in Don Miguel Ruiz's work, but the book The Four Toltec Agreements focuses mainly on four key principles that summarize the Toltec philosophy of life. The fifth agreement , added in the book The Fifth Toltec Agreement, was later introduced by Don Miguel Ruiz and his son, Don José Ruiz, in 2010.

So here are the 5 Toltec agreements:

  1.  Let your speech be impeccable: this agreement invites us to realize the power and impact of our words and to be careful how we use them, towards ourselves and others.
  2.  " Whatever happens, don't make it personal ." : Other people's actions are a reflection of their own reality, not yours. The advice here is to not let outside opinions define your worth.
  3. Don’t make assumptions ”: The idea is to avoid jumping to conclusions without having all the facts. Asking questions and clarifying will help you avoid many misunderstandings.
  4.  Always do your best ”: invites you to take a kind look at yourself and others, by working with the energy of the moment and its environment.
  5.  Be skeptical, but learn to listen ”: he advocates taking in information, listening, but keeping your filters. In other words, the idea is to question what you hear, but remain open to other people’s ideas.

What are the benefits?

The Toltec Agreements encourage us to adopt a healthier approach to our lives and to clarify our thoughts. “They promote inner balance and improve our relationships, eliminating emotional distortions that can harm communication,” explains Christine Magat.

Applied in different areas of life, family, personal or professional sphere, these agreements facilitate more harmonious interactions. "They help to free oneself from toxic emotions, both for oneself and for relationships with others."

Our TALColtèques agreements 😊

By following the Toltec agreements in Talc's way, you might just find the balance between ethical fashion and wisdom ;) Here are our ideas:  

  1. Let your word be impeccable : choose ethical brands that keep their promise. And above all, buy what suits you: your purchases are a reflection of your values.
  2. Whatever happens, don't make it personal : don't let the pressure of trends dictate your style. Dress for yourself, without trying to meet external expectations.
  3. Don't make assumptions : research brands' practices before judging. A nice piece of clothing doesn't always mean it's responsibly produced.
  4. Always do your best : try to make conscious choices, even if it's not always perfect. Every little step towards more responsible fashion counts.

Oh yes, by the way, we're adding one too, just for fun! 😉

5. Be skeptical, but learn to listen : don’t believe everything you read about sustainable fashion. Greenwashing still exists! Educate yourself and use your discernment to distinguish true ethical approaches from mere marketing arguments.

Do you like the idea of ​​dressing wisely? We let you try Talc clothing : comfortable and elegant, to wear at home or outside, and made with quality materials (Tencel™ Lyocell, Supima ® cotton and organic cotton).


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