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Relay point, home or express deliveries Free deliveries from 80€ in France, 150€ in Europe

9 tips to increase your daily well-being

This guide has been written with kindness to remind you of some essential truths. Simple ideas that the fury of life sometimes makes us forget.

TALC lists 9 effective tips that can be applied tomorrow to improve your daily well-being. It's your turn!

Tip #1

As you know, the way you start your day has a huge impact on your mood, energy and productivity.
It is therefore essential to adopt healthy and positive habits from the morning!
You will see, you will feel much better in your skin and in your head.

Drink a large glass of warm water with lemon

The first thing to do when you wake up is to drink a large glass of warm water with lemon. This simple and natural ritual allows you to rehydrate your body, stimulate your immune system, detoxify your liver, promote your digestion and purify your skin.

The tangy taste of lemon gives you a boost. Perfect to get you going!

Eat a balanced breakfast

The second thing to do in the morning is to have a balanced breakfast.
To give you all the energy you need, you need complex carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fiber, fruits and vegetables.
Here are some examples of healthy and delicious menus:

• A bowl of oatmeal with plant-based milk, dried fruit, chia seeds and honey.

• A slice of wholemeal bread with cottage cheese, almonds and jam.

• A spinach and cheese omelette, accompanied by a fresh fruit salad.

• A smoothie made with banana, strawberries, Greek yogurt and peanut butter.

Tip #2

Release the endorphins that lie dormant within you! These hormones of happiness that
give you pleasure, relaxation and self-confidence.
Choose a sport that suits your desires and your physical abilities.
We don't act crazy ;)

The simplest: walk

It is recommended to walk at least 30 minutes a day, at a moderate to brisk pace, to enjoy its benefits. If possible, try to walk to work, you will arrive feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day!


If you're feeling fit, step it up a gear! Jogging makes you
work on your endurance, your breathing and your heart rate for 15, 30 or 45 minutes, go at your own pace, you will come out feeling oxygenated and relaxed.

Youtube Coach

The same benefits as walking or running, but with a coach to motivate you and vary the strength and cardio exercises. We stop thinking and we mime ;)
It's free and you can choose the time and duration according to your availability.
We highly recommend Joe Wick! It will make you sweat without (too much) suffering and you will learn the accent of the South London suburbs.
15 minutes a day in beginner mode, then pick up the pace!


With or without a coach, work on your flexibility, balance and concentration. In a calm environment. A session of about twenty minutes and you will feel alert and soothed.

Whatever physical activity you choose, motivate yourself by setting goals and rewards!

Tip #3

Sleep allows you to regenerate your body and mind, consolidate your memory, regulate your hormones, strengthen your immune system...
It is therefore important to promote restorative sleep, of quality and quantity.

Have a Zen bedroom

Organize a room conducive to relaxation, calm and comfort.

• Choose soft, calming colors, such as midnight blue, beige, light gray or celadon.

• Opt for complete darkness by using blackout curtains or sleep masks.

• Ventilate your room regularly, the ideal is to maintain a temperature between 18 and 20°C. You can also use a humidifier, an air purifier, or even an essential oil diffuser.

• Tidy your room ;) Disorder can be a source of stress. Create a cozy atmosphere, with cushions, blankets, photos...

Adopt a relaxing routine

De-stress by creating a ritual for yourself. Respect your biological clock and relax before going to bed.

• Avoid stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco) and favor infusions, such as verbena or mint.

• Avoid screens a good hour before going to bed. Screens produce blue light, which is present in natural light.
Which disrupts your body clock by sending a “daytime” signal.

• Instead, focus on calming activities such as reading, writing, drawing or listening to soft music.

• Do relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga or stretching.

• Take care of yourself: wash your face, apply a mask, a scrub, give yourself (or have someone give you) a massage.

Tip #4

Focus your attention on the present moment!
Mastering your breathing and listening to your sensations will relax you and refocus you on what is important.
Your deep values. Your real needs.

Choose a quiet place

Away from distractions, noise and prying eyes, choose a healthy place where you feel comfortable.
Ideally outdoors, close to nature, but a clean and tidy room will do.

Make yourself comfortable

The way you dress, the way you sit, the way you breathe all have an influence on your meditation.
It is therefore important to make yourself comfortable, without being too relaxed or too tense.
For example, you can wear TALC clothes ;)

Whether you meditate sitting, lying down or standing, TALC clothing offers you the ideal specificities: flexibility, freedom of movement, breathability and lightness.


Then make yourself comfortable. The main thing is to keep your back straight, your head aligned, your shoulders relaxed and your face relaxed.
Then follow your breathing. Breathing is the common thread of meditation. It allows you to concentrate, to calm down.
Count your breaths from one to ten, then start again, reciting a mantra, a word or a phrase, with each inhalation and each exhalation.

To stimulate you and structure your exercises, there's nothing like a guide!

Petit BamBou, Namatata or Zenfie for example are tools that accompany you and guide you in your meditation.
They offer you sessions adapted to your level and your objectives.

Tip #5

A very serious study by GoodHome tells us that being comfortable at home is the primary factor in our level of happiness.
It is therefore essential to create a pleasant, clean and orderly environment that suits you and makes you feel good.


This involves getting rid of objects that not only clutter your space but pollute your mind.
Sorting out means gaining space, clarity and serenity.

• Apply the KonMari method, created by the famous tidying expert Marie Kondo. This method invites you to sort your things by category.
For each object, you must ask yourself if it brings you joy. If yes, you keep it. If not, you thank it and part with it.
Simple, right?

• Apply the 4-pile rule, inspired by blogger and organizational coach Laurence Einfalt. This rule invites you to sort your things into 4 piles: the pile to keep, the pile to throw away, the pile to give away and the pile to sell. For each object, you must ask yourself if it is useful to you, if it is sentimental to you.

• Apply the 30-day challenge: This challenge invites you to get rid of one object on the first day, two objects on the second day, three objects on the third day, etc. until you reach 30 objects on the thirtieth day. In total, you will have eliminated 465 objects in one month. Ready?

Decorate with plants

Beyond their decorative asset, plants have beneficial virtues for your well-being, your health and your fitness. Indeed, they purify the air, regulate humidity, reduce noise, promote sleep...

• Choose plants that are suitable for your interior, depending on the light, temperature and humidity. You can opt for easy-to-maintain plants, such as cactus, ficus or philodendron. You can also opt for depolluting plants (aloe vera, palm tree, ivy or aromatic plants (basil, mint, thyme, etc.).

• Then choose pots that are suitable for your plants and original locations (hanging pots, magnetic pots, etc.). Be creative!

Create lighting atmospheres

Light is also an element of decoration. It creates an atmosphere that influences the perception of your interior and its visual comfort.

• Take advantage of natural light, which is the most pleasant, economical and ecological. You can optimize natural light by choosing light curtains, cleaning your windows regularly, or installing mirrors.

• Use artificial light sources: lamps, wall lights, spotlights, garlands, candles, lanterns, night lights, etc. Create different atmospheres to demarcate spaces. Then vary the intensities, colors, and effects of the light.

Tip #6

Pleasure is life! It is MANDATORY to allow yourself moments of full satisfaction and joy. Nothing could be simpler at first glance, but do you experience such moments regularly?
Those that make you feel good in body and mind, those that allow you to reward yourself and motivate yourself at the same time?

To please yourself is to respect yourself, it is to promote self-esteem.

Treat yourself to simple and accessible little pleasures

Multiply the small, simple pleasures that bring you happiness, without costing you too much, without taking up too much time, without making you feel guilty!

• Express your emotions by listening to music, stimulate your imagination by reading a book, marvel at the short, fill yourself with sensory experiences, your level of well-being will increase.
Quite simply.

Treat yourself to a body treatment. Softness, warmth and kindness.
You not only have the right, but also the duty to take care of yourself! Pamper yourself, we told you above ;)!
Apply a facial, light a candle and get a massage, enjoy a foot bath, go to the pedicure...

• Treat yourself and others by cooking. And by eating ;)
Don't underestimate the satisfaction of taking the time to cook, even just simply. Chopping vegetables is a step closer to nirvana. Yes, it is.

Laugh !

Laughter is an expression of joy that does not only use your facial muscles! It allows you to relax, let off steam, free yourself, reduce your stress and above all secrete happiness hormones, serotonin will stabilize your mood over time!

Laughter is therefore essential.
But it is unique to each person. Our tip: play board games with funny people. These ones for example:

• The classics that still work: Trivial Pursuit, Cluedo, Pictionary, Taboo, Uno,…

• Modern ones that bring a bit of freshness: like Dixit, Time's Up, Code Names, Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, Mysterium, etc.
Or the more unusual ones like Burger Quiz, Blanc Manger Coco, Limite Limite, Cards Against Humanity, Joking Hazard, etc.

Otherwise, ask Alexa or Siri, they will always have a good joke to tell you ;)
What's yellow and waiting? ...well...ok...

Tip #7

Feeling good about yourself also means feeling good about your clothes.
And we tend to neglect our indoor wardrobe, which often consists of an old t-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms with holes in the knees.

Big mistake. There is no right time to devalue yourself. Especially at home, in your den. Whether you live alone, as a couple or with your family, your appearance and comfort are essential to good self-esteem.

Of course, we're preaching for our own parish...but it's with conviction that we believe that at TALC, homewear offers multiple benefits.

Ease AND elegance

Clothing dedicated to the interior is designed for your comfort. Soft materials and loose cuts are preferred for greater ease.

Modern homewear also brings a dose of elegance. By necessity, we must be able to telework without having to change, but also because it is now accepted that well-being comes from respecting our appearance and taking care of it.

The + of sensory materials

Treat yourself to a second skin! And not just any skin please ;)
Don't underestimate the benefits of an exceptional material that caresses your skin.

Silky satin, brushed cotton, quality flannel or cool, breathable lyocell stimulate your senses and can induce a real feeling of well-being.

Sensory materials are also often thermo-regulating.
A fresh and galvanizing tactile experience.

The choice of eco-responsibility

While it is healthy to wear indoor clothing that is not subject to bacteria and other external pollution, choosing responsible homewear is also virtuous for our planet.

For example, TALC only selects natural materials, such as organic cotton, or artificial fibres such as Tencel lyocell (made from wood pulp and very water-efficient).
These eco-materials ensure durability and comfort, and the fair price guarantees respect for those who manufacture, as well as those who buy.

Opt for respectful and guilt-free fashion!

Tip #8


This activity challenges your brain, memory and creativity while improving your knowledge. The benefits of this exercise on well-being, self-confidence and intellectual stimulation are multiple and obvious.

Some ideas:

Take an online course

It's now possible to take online courses in just about every subject there is. And many of them are free.

• MOOCs: “Massive Open Online Courses” are provided by universities or schools around the world (even the largest ones!). You can take MOOCs on various subjects on platforms such as Coursera, edx or France Université Numérique.

• Languages: enrich yourself by learning a new language!
Open yourself to the world and discover new cultures on sites like Duolingo, Babbel, Busuu,…

• Leisure activities: music, drawing, cooking, you can take leisure classes at all levels on applications such as Yousician, SketchBook, Marmiton, etc.

Read classics

Cultivate yourself by (re)discovering works that have marked literary history!
Stimulate your imagination and creativity by immersing yourself in worlds tinged with history, educate yourself by exploring places and ages that are no longer talked about. A real immersion in the world of yesteryear.

Start with novels, those of Maupassant for example. Simple writing, deep characters.

Listen to podcasts

There are podcasts on every subject, often free. Go to your favorite platform, make a random selection and listen to one podcast a day at a suitable time (on a commute, before bed, while preparing dinner, etc.).

Tip #9

Yes, expressing consideration for others makes you feel good too.

Focusing on the positive allows you to enjoy the present. Thinking too much about the next hour, day, or month often prevents you from enjoying the good times you are experiencing.
While it is healthy and ambitious to make plans and set goals, it is equally fundamental to be anchored in the present and live the moments with intensity.

Sort out your relationships, surround yourself with positive people and show them your gratitude.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Write down regularly the things you are grateful for. It can be simple things, like the sun shining, a smile from a stranger, a good meal... It can be more important things, like your family, your job, your health...

Choose a beautiful medium that suits you, such as a notebook, diary or exercise book.

Determine a frequency with which you will record your emotions. Every day, every week, every month, whatever. The point is to have this intimate meeting, without forcing yourself, and to let yourself express positive feelings.

Say thank you

It is a simple, yet powerful gesture that expresses your gratitude to someone who has done you a favor, given you a gift, paid you a compliment… Saying thank you allows you to recognize the value of this person and strengthen the bond you have with them.

The time, the way, the tone is up to you. There are 1000 ways to say thank you!

Making gifts

Expressing your appreciation to someone you care about with a generous gesture is rewarding for both parties. Giving is also receiving.

A gift is not necessarily material...a moment, a service, an experience to share can create strong and unforgettable moments.

We hope this guide will inspire you and help you find tips that fit your life and expectations.

We invite you to put 3 or 4 of them into practice tomorrow and observe the effects. Changing a habit, adopting a new routine, even the simplest one, questioning your daily life, challenging your beliefs, self-challenging are all opportunities to rediscover yourself and appreciate the simple things in life more.

It is in this spirit that we created TALC. So that wearing healthy, sustainable and exceptional quality clothing contributes to a feeling of fullness and well-being.

Wearing TALC clothing is like taking a regenerating and galvanizing break.
Fully aware of the fragile balances that surround us, TALC conditions moments of inspiration, lucidity, wisdom. It highlights your authenticity and allows you to refocus on what nourishes you.

TALC feels good 💚​


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