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Relay point, home or express deliveries Free deliveries from 80€ in France, 150€ in Europe

Relay point, home or express deliveries Free deliveries from 80€ in France, 150€ in Europe

Elegant and comfortable loungewear, the new essentials

“No but there, I am not really dressed in fact…
I am in “comfortable mode”.

You've heard this phrase before, that's for sure!

Probably whoever said it would be wearing an old, stained T-shirt or pilling tracksuits by then, sprawling on their sofa until their body seemed to be one with the cushions.

Maybe you even said it.
We won't blame you: everyone knows the "comfort mode".

(Sometimes more honestly called “lazy mode”.)

men's homewear

The negligence trap

But wait… Where does this strange notion come from?
Why do you want to oppose comfort and elegance , as if they were mutually exclusive?

Unconsciously, we tend to believe that when we neglect ourselves (in clothing, but not that) we are more “natural”.
But this belief brings a hell of a mistake:
the belief that deep down, you are only really “yourself” in your least flattering light.

It's a bit of a shame, isn't it?

Too bad to wear nice clothes outside, like a “mask” behind which we would hide all day…
To finally become a dirty, shameful and unpresentable Gollum, once alone at home.

women's homewear

Feeling good at home, a need shared by more and more French people

According to the GoodHome report of June 2019, carried out on a panel of 13,000 people in 10 European countries, housing would contribute to 15% of our daily happiness.
And even a 73% correlation between people who say they “feel good at home” and those who say they are “happy in their life”.

feel good in your indoor clothes

And basically, you didn't need a study to find out.
Just take a look at the real estate market which has never ceased to appreciate, or at the Ikea stores which are never short of customers.
And yet… no mention in this study of the impact of the clothes we wear at home on our happiness!

At Talc, we think it's the missing piece of the puzzle, an essential that has not yet arrived in everyone's consciousness.

And we can show you!

The power of clothes on our psychology

Two researchers proposed the concept of "Dressed Cognition", during studies which showed, in particular, that the simple fact of wearing a white laboratory coat significantly increased the level of attention and concentration in a group of students placed at the test.

Yet another study showed the existence of the “Red Sneakers Effect”, proving that the simple fact of having a distinctive sign of clothing increased the level of competence and perceived status in various social situations, just by effect of “ nonconformity”.

So many anecdotes that validate the existence of “professional outfits”, and their influence on the way we look at others as well as ourselves.

couple homewear

What is the "homewear" trend?

It is in the continuity of this logic that the trend of interior clothing, better known as homewear in English, is inscribed:

If certain clothes can call to our minds efficiency, competence, and concentration...
Why not wear specific clothes at home, which invoke a sense of serenity, well-being and comfort?

Since the pandemic in 2020, this category of clothing, which was already climbing little by little, has made a big leap forward, and has seen itself increasingly represented in multi-brand e-shops, including at luxury giants. like Mr Porter or Net à Porter.

women's inner garment

The essentials of your interior wardrobe

Within this trend, we find a whole bunch of pieces such as:

  • Slippers, from the most “hairy like a cuddly toy” to the dressiest “slippers”, almost comparable to moccasins.
  • Joggers revisited with a touch of elegance, in more luxurious materials.
  • Indoor shorts, in fleece and flannel.
  • Dressing gowns and bathrobes, for men and women, ranging from simple upgraded bathroom accessories to luxurious cashmere knit cocoons.
  • T-shirts with materials specially designed to optimize their softness, such as tencel or micromodal.
  • “Pyjama” sets with matching top and bottoms, in cotton flannels, fleeces, silk… Some brands go so far as to turn them into a veritable fashion lookbook!

As in any trend, some of these examples are luxury, even downright superfluous.

But others are, in our opinion , real wardrobe essentials , just like jeans or a pair of sneakers!

Here they are, listed in order of priority:

1- A stocking to put on only at home.

After a whole day of sitting in transport, at your desk, on your car, on restaurant seats, and trudge and sweat in more or less comfortable pants...

A dedicated indoor stocking is not optional!

Not only to enjoy the comfort of the fleece of a jogpant, or the softness of a cotton flannel, but also to avoid bringing all the dirt from outside back into the little sanctuary that is your home.

low homewear

Vivant Sweatpants for men and women.

2 - A top that feels like a caress.

Take off the big itchy sweater in winter. Put the t-shirt full of perspiration in the dirty in the summer.
And put on a soft, breathable top that doesn't restrict your movements , and is waiting for you at home, fresh and ready to use.
It is also the piece of homewear that varies the most according to the seasons and styles: fleece sweatshirt for winter, tencel t-shirt for summer, cotton flannel shirt in mid-season...

the caress of tencel

Muse t-shirt for men and women .

3 - Indoor slippers.

If it conjures up ridiculous images for you, we won't blame you: the vast majority of slippers that exist are either completely childish or simply ugly.

And it's true that you can always hang around in your socks.
But a nice pair to wear only at home will slow down the rate at which you puncture them, in addition to keeping your feet warm.

"Pyjamas ? Py-never!”

Moreover, what somewhat slows down the adoption of indoor clothing among some is the confusion with the real “pajamas” : the one our ancestors wore to sleep, to stay warm, even under their sheets.

Indeed, indoor clothing is not just pajamas.
See it rather as a uniform of comfort, elegance, and well-being.
You can sleep with it of course, but it is above all a garment for life!

An investment to see you in your best light , even when you are alone.
To be presentable when you have to open your door to pick up a package.
So that Sunday morning is no longer a day when you avoid crossing the mirror.
So that comfort does not lead to the excuse of not having made an effort.

Nicolo Minchillo, pen for Talc .

Comfort pack for men and women.



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